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Your Stories

Every person has a story, and has faced difficulty at some point. Not everyone feels comfortable leaving a public review or comment so I always give people the option to email or anonymously post their experiences and feedback. Below I have shared some comments left by some brave and wonderful people.

''I'm 60 years old and I've just started's very difficult, but I'm offered amazing advice on how to deal with the difficulty and move forward. I wish I had started earlier in my life.''


''I have been able to work through and rise above childhood traumas. This allowed me to let go of the past bindings and has lead me to having a profound spiritual awakening. I now see everything that happened in the past as for my higher good - which sounds impossible as I am saying it but it is true. Therapy opened up a future for me, and now I can honestly say I am happy for the first time in my life.''


''My childhood was hell...abused violently every day...I should know that positive thinking will not work to get you past it and only suppresses your emotions. You have to go back and look at it all to be able to let go. I did therapy for a year and really invested myself in the practices. Now I meditate every day and I've probably taken part in every energetic healing modality since then. Now I am blissful every day. I still attract hardships but I feel much more able to cope with them, and even see them as exciting now. My journey all started with therapy. Do it, you won't regret it!'' -  Thomas.

''I did coaching, energy healing and therapy to get over being raised in an alcoholic childhood. I don't really understand how or why but at some point I just became really focused on personal development (Hester would say I was investing in myself by taking that first step), but it really shifted the needle for me and changed my life. Thank you will never be enough.''

''I used to go to a basic Counsellor, but switching to a Counsellor who understood PTSD was a game changer for me''. 


''I originally started hypnotherapy because I felt like I had issues with self-esteem after a really bad relationship. Until I started I had no idea how much that really had affected my life. I still had my ex's voice in my head telling me I was worthless and so I had been acting that out. I was overeating, overspending and couldn't hold down a job. Worst of all I felt like I was never going to move past it. I'm still kind of in shock about the changes. Within a few short weeks I was actively taking better care of myself and after six months I had enrolled on a course that was going to allow me to go in to business for myself. My entire future has changed. I had no idea how much self-esteem affected until I started this process, but it had a knock-on effect on every single area of my life and I will be forever grateful to you for where I am today.''

If you would like to leave a public review please do so here:

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